!2! Business registration in Blomberg
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Business registration in Blomberg

Where do you perform a business registration in Blomberg in Germany?

The office for registration of a business is in the council building responsible for the district or town. This is normally in the so-called "Ordnungsamt" or the town hall. The exact address of the office for business registration in Blomberg can be found in the contact data, shown below.

Registration of a business - Online, by post or in person?

Not always is it needed to go in person to the office for registration. Depending on the registration office a business registration application can also be made by post. All necessary paperwork has to be sent as well in this case. These days more and more registration offices offer an online registration of a business. As a signature is compulsory the business registration can not be entirely carried out online. Other documents possibly also are required to be sent. Surely this is a straightforward possibility to carry out the business registration. The certificate of business registration will then be posted to your address or can be picked up from the registration office. Phone the office for registration in Blomberg to establish if this possibility is on offer.

Paperwork for business registration in Blomberg

  • Filled-out application
    The form can be obtained from the registration office in Blomberg. It may also be possible to download the form from the website of the registration office in Blomberg. If the registration office in Blomberg has a web presence this could certainly be a posibility.
  • Identification
    The business registration In Blomberg requires a photo ID.
  • Residents permit
    A valid residents permit or visa is required for foreign residents.
  • Permit
  • In Blomberg and in other places certain activities require a special permit.

Position on map of office for registration

Here you can find the locations to register a business in Blomberg

Gewerbemeldestelle Blomberg
Marktplatz 1
32825 Blomberg

Tel: 05235/5040

Before you register your business in Blomberg , please note the details on this page

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What is the cost of registration of a business in Blomberg in Germany?

The price of registration is not the same in all locations in Germany. Normally it is between 10 and 65 Euros. Regrettably we do not have the price for business registration in Blomberg. It would be best to phone the registration office in Blomberg, to obtain the current fee.

Important: please read the information about alternative forms of business. Just click here.